Innovative and Distruptive products and services do not have to expensive to the masses
if done right

Rasimo Systems is determined to innovate and disrupt current technology landscape. We do this to bring technology to the masses to make their quality of life experince better. Our products and Services are designed for everyday life. Our first product SureFiz™ demonstrate our determination clearly.

our philosophy

Our Beta Subscribers Say

Rasimo Systems the maker of SureFiz™ ran a beta field trial, this is what our beta subscribers say

Alicia Pretty

Professional Model

In the modeling and music industry looks are everything. SureFiz goes one step beyond the superficial looks and keeps me healthy! I am able to keep up my busy schedule because SureFiz does all the rest!

Courtney Breen

Medical Student

Losing weight had always been hard for me since it is difficult to see results right away. SureFiz is so accurate and gives so much information that I really feel like I'm losing more for the same amount of effort!

Leilani Anne Mattson

Verification Specialist

SureFiz really helps to keep me accountable for my weight loss goals. I also fight on the amateur level, and during a weight cut, it really helps me to ensure I am doing it in a healthy and efficient way!

Shan Javed Khokhar

IT and MMA Professional

I love SureFiz, as an IT professional, I have to sit quite a bit. I can't get the movement I need to stay active how I want. SureFiz allows me to monitor my body composition both, for health and prep for my fights.